2 Temmuz 2016 Cumartesi


"Bugün Türk yurdu gibi sunulan yerlerdeyse yerleşim çok sonralar- 5000 yıl ön­ce başlamıştır. Avrupa bilimadamlarının sözkonusu teorisinde Türklerin yerleşim yeri olarak Sayan-Altay’ın gösterilmesi kasıtlıdır ve eski Azerbaycan ve Anadolu topraklarına Türklerin son­radan gelme olduğunu kanıtlamak amacını taşımaktadır. Bu tarihi doğru bilmemekten do­ğan bir konu.

Altay Türk’ün beşiği değil. Türk’ün beşiği Anadolu’nun güneyi, Azerbaycan ve özel­likle, Mezopotomya topraklarıdır. Bizde artık Altay’ın isminin Türkler tarafından Azerbay­can’dan götürüldüğü, m.ö. Azerbaycan Aratta devletinin isminden doğduğu kanıtlanmıştır. Y.B.Yu­sifov Azerbaycan Aratta devletinden (MÖ.28.yüzyıl) bahs ederken bu kelimenin nasıl Alatey şeklini aldığını açıklamıştır: “Alatey’i Türk dillerinde kullanılan Alatay, Altay, Alatey ve Alatau “dağ, sıra dağlar” bildiren kelimelerin ilk şekli gibi kabul edebiliriz. Bu kelimelerin Pro­toTürk (Erken Türk) diline ait olması şüphesizdir."

Prof.Gazanfer Kazimov - link


Middle East, Anatolia and Azerbaijan are the homelands of Turkish peoples at least for 15.000 years. Aratta, Subar-Sibir or Suvar Turks, Aratta and Turukku Turkish states. Elamites symbols on Turkish carpets (their language was also agglunative, Elamite king named Te'umman in 7th c BC, the same name as Asian Hun-Turkish leader Teoman in 4th c BC)". New book about "Gobustan rock art - called Kipchak Turkish homeland" , "Turkish influence on Akkadian language in journal 2014"  must be read if we wanna study Turkology. And many scientist and scholars don't mentioned the Turks in their articles; as Cimmerians, Scythians, Huns, Avars, Pechenegs, KhazarsKipchaks, Cumans, even Odin.. etc. these are all Turkish tribes in Europe...

Servet Somuncuoğlu, a documentarist says ones:
"the names in the ancient times in history, "Ahmad" or "Mehmet" or something else, but today the Westerners certainly not use the names "Turks" or "Turkish". They called as Saka/Scythian culture, Tashtyk culture, Andronov, Afenasyov etc ... but they never say Turkish. There are basic culture code. This basic cultural codes we see between the Turks, described as cultural environment. So, the followers of this culture in the archaeological sites of rock paintings in Central Asia and in Turkey, are Turkish cultural environment. Therefore, today we have to say to all of them Turkish. The upper identity is Turkish-Turk and sub-identity is Kazakh, Altai, Khakasia, etc...

For example, there are many civilizations in the Greek civilization, the site consists of a tiny little states. But the upper identity is "Greek Civilization" and appears in every subjects. Likewise, artifacts of Indian civilization, but beneath them there are hundreds little of civilizations..

The world counted 5 large ancient civilizations: Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, Indian, Mesopotamian. Of course there is a sixth civilization, and that is Turkish civilization. This reality must now be accepted as scientific. There is a Turkish civilization; with a unique style of life, nature, environment, influence on other civilizations. Create a social hierarchy state system, you can not denial it"

Don't steal our names, and don't give false info....