6 Kasım 2015 Cuma

Turkish Directions and Color System / Türklerde Yön ve Renkler

Kara Deniz - Black Sea
Ak Deniz - White Sea ; Mediterranean
Kızıl Deniz - Red Sea
Gök Deniz - Sky Sea or Blue Sea

In old Turkish direction system, geographical directions were indicated by colors.

* Black Snake-Black Tortoise Constellation; placed in North - color Black

* Red magpie in Turkish but called as Vermilion Bird constellated; placed in South - color Red

* White Panther/Leopard in Turkish, but called as White Tiger constellation; placed in West - color White

* Sky Dragon in Turkish, but called as Azure Dragon; placed in East - color Sky Blue

So the first Turks were located between 

* Black Sea (Karadeniz - Kara=Black ; deniz=sea) in the North - BLACK,
* Red Sea (Kızıldeniz - Kızıl=Red ; deniz=sea) in the South - RED,
* Mediterranean Sea (Akdeniz - Ak=White ; deniz=sea) in the West - WHİTE
* Caspian Sea (Gökdeniz ;or later Hazar Denizi because of the Hazar / Khazar 

Turks who lived there ; Gök = Heaven, Sky ; deniz=sea) in the East - SKY BLUE
has been named by our ancestors.

"Directions-Colors in Turkish Culture" info by Prof.DrFirudin Celilov
Trans.in English by Semra Bayraktar


It is also called as Chinese constellations which was developed in the 5th c BC, but remember, that there was many Turks in Central Asia and China, like the Great Huns Turks (Xiongnu) led by Mete (Mao-tun).

The Chinese started building their Great Wall to defend themselves against the Hun Turks in the 4th-3th c BC !..

Attila the Hun in Europe and Mete the Hun in Central Asia are related with blood and tribe.

Although the Chinese may have been earlier mutual influence, suggested by parallels to ancient Babylonian astronomy... And again, there was many Turkish tribes like Subar, Turukku, Kut, Saka in Mesopotamia and in the Middle East....immigrated to all directions between 4000-2000 BC....

If we can say, that there was a Turkish language influence on Akkadian language....We can also say; Cultural Influence....;)


"Bilindiği gibi halklar muhaceret etmişlerse, gittikleri yeni topraklara eski yurtlarındaki coğrafi adların bazılarını taşırlar.  Orta Asya'daki Issık-Göl'ün adının eski çağlarda İskenderun Körfezi'nin İssikos Denizi (Strabon) şeklinde görülmesi, insanın aklına ister istemez böyle bir ihtimali getirmektedir." 
D.Ahsen Batur / Kürdoloji Yalanları kitabından

....Aleksandros ile Dareios arasındaki mücadele burada olmuştur ve koy İSSİKOS Körfezi olarak adlandırılır... 

İhtimal değildir, Doğru bir tespittir.
"Türkler ilk kez 11.yy'da geldi" lafı daha birçok belgelerle çürütülmüştür. Biz hep buradaydık.

 ...It was here that the struggle between Alexander and Dareius occurred; and the gulf is called the Issic Gulf. .... 

People who immigrate to anotherland take the geographical names with them. So if Strabo writes about ISSIC GULF (today's iskenderun gulf) 2000 years ago, that means with no doubt; 
"The Turks were already here, and did not come in the 11th c AD for the first time."

The name comes from 

"As one proceeds from the Hyrcanian Sea towards the east, one sees on the right the mountains that extend as far as the Indian Sea, which by the Greeks are named the Taurus. Beginning at Pamphylia and Cilicia they extend thus far in a continuous line from the west and bear various different names. In the northerly parts of the range dwell first the Gelae and Cadusii and Amardi, as I have said, and certain of the Hyrcanians, and after them the tribe of the Parthians and that of the Margianians and the Arians; and then comes the desert which is separated from Hyrcania by the Sarnius River as one goes eastwards and towards the Ochus River. "

"From the same Indian mountains, where the Ochus and the Oxus and several other rivers rise, flows also the Iaxartes, which, like those rivers, empties into the Caspian Sea and is the most northerly of them all."

"Japon yazarı Fuyumi Ono paralel dünyadan bəhs edən “Oniki krallıq” romanında bu türk boya sistemininə əsaslanmışdır"

"Japanese writer Fuyumi Ono, used this Turkish direction system in her book "Twelve Kingdom"" - Prof.Dr.F.Celilov

"Bu bədizlər yıllar önce yazdığım "Türk Atayurdu renglerin dilinde" adlı makaledendir"

"These are from the article "Turkish motherlands collers" I wrote, years ago"
Prof.Dr.Firudin Ağasıoğlu Celilov

The Hun Turks / Gokturks (Kokturks) ; Uigur Turks - Colors/Directions

"Hun Türkleri ordularını dünya anlayış ve tasavvurlarına uygun bir şekilde düzenlemişlerdir. Zira, Türklerin düşünce ve tasavvurlarında, dünya dört köşe (bucak) idi. Dört köşe olarak düşünülen dünyanın merkezinde ise, Türk hükümdarı bulunuyordu. Hükümdarın altında da, yine dört yönü temsil eden dört büyük memuriyet yer almakta idi." (*)

Prof. Dr. Salim Koca
(*) De Groot, a.g.e., s. 55 vd.; M. Mori, a.g.m., s. 213; Koca, a.g.e., s86. Türklerde sadece ordu birliklerinin atları değil, şahıslara ait mallar da birbirinden belirli renklerle ayrılmaktaydı. Mesela Uygurlar, at sürülerini birbirinden renklerine göre ayırt ediyorlardı. Başka bir deyişle Uygurlarda her boy kendine has renkte at yetiştirmekteydi. 

Ayrıca, Oğuz Türklerinde de aynı anlayış hakimdi. Özellikle Oğuzların “Alayundlu” (yund=at) boyu, 
sadece ala atlar beslemekteydiler. Bundan dolayı bu Oğuz boyu Alayundlu adıyla anılmıştır.
