12 Mayıs 2016 Perşembe

Seljuk Turks - Metropolitan Museum of Art

Court and Cosmos: The Great Age of the Seljuqs Exhibition
Date : April 27th - July 26 th 2016
The Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York

Royal figure, mid 11th-12th c AD Turkish Art

The description of Metropolitan Museum is: "The Seljuqs were a Turkic dynasty of Central Asian nomadic origin..." and as "İslamic Culture"....

1] - Seljuks are not Turkic, but Turks himself. Turkic means "like/as Turk", so not an accurate description.

Who are they then? 
They are from Kınık tribe of Oghuz Turks.

Oghuz Turks split into two branches : Bozoklar - Üçoklar, which holds six Sons of Oghuz.

* Oghuz= Oğuz, in some sources Guz, or as Turkoman after accepting İslam. OXUS in ancient sources.
* Bozoklar (Boz=Gray; Ok=Arrow; lar=plural suffix)
* Üçoklar (Üç=Three; Ok=Arrow; lar=plural suffix)

Six sons of Oghuz splits in Bozoklar and Üçoklar in three:

* Bozoklar ; 
- Gün Han, (Day Khan)
- Ay Han, (Moon Khan)
- Yıldız Han, (Star Khan)

* Üçoklar ;
- Gök Han, (Sky Khan)
- Dağ Han (Mountain Khan)
- Deniz Han (Sea Khan)

Each one of these sons have three tribes :

* Bozoklar - Gün Han :
- Kayı [to some house of 'Ottoman' (originaly "Atman" and not Osman (Osmanlı))]
- Bayat
- Alaevli
- Karaevli

* Bozoklar - Ay Han :
- Yazır
- Düğer (House of Artuklu = Artuqid Dynasty)
- Dodurga
- Yaparlı

* Bozoklar - Yıldız Han :
- Avşar [House of Afshar Dynasty in İran ; also introduced as Farsi or Kurds!. (Which the 'westerners' introducing these Turkish tribe as Kurdish! Like many other Turkish tribes or sub-tribes who live in Irak, İran, Syria and Turkey. ) ] 
- Kızık
- Beğdilli
- Karkın

* Üçoklar - Gök Han :
- Bayındır (house of Aqqoyunlu/Akkoyunlu="White Sheep Turkomans",Sout-East Turkey)
- Beçene (Peçenek = Pechenegs in Europe)
- Çavuldur (house of Çaka Bey - İzmir Çaka Beyliği (an Anatolian Principalitie) 11th c)
- Çepni [to some house of 'Ottoman' (Atman) ]

* Üçoklar - Dağ Han :
- Salur
- Eymür
- Alayuntlu
- Üregir

* Üçoklar - Deniz Han :
- Iğdır
- Büğdüz
- Yıva  (live in South-East Turkey, İran, Irak, and maybe house of Karakoyunlu-Black Sheep Turkomans)
- Kınık  [house of Selçuk (Seljuk-Seljuq) Turks]

All these tribes and sub-tribes have many tribes, such as : Karakeçili, Yörük, Abdal, Buruncuk, Türkmen, etc..  Or to be seen as state: Safavids Dynasty, Khwarazmian Dynasty, Afsharid Dyansty, Great Seljuk Empire, Anatolian Seljuk, Karakoyunlar, Akkoyunlar, Artuklu (Artiquids), Anatolian Principalities (Anadolu Beylikleri; like Germiyan, Karaman, Teke, Eretna, Candar, Saruhan, Menteşe, Aydın, Karasi, Canik), Ottoman Empire, etc... 

These tribes are the Oghuz branch of Turks, Kyrgyz, Kazakh, Saka (Yakuts), Bashkir, Khazar, Kipchak, Cuman, Hun (Europe and Asia), Avar, Mamluk, Golden Horde, Nogai, Uygur, Uzbek, etc. And, 'Turk' is our Surname, not Turkic! 

2] - Nomadic people can not make such spectacular arts on horses and can not establish states. Turks are not nomadic people. Also not an accurate description.

3] - "Culture: İslamic" is not an accurate description, because not only Turks but many nations are under this religion. And these art pieces belongs to Turks. So, the best description is "Turkish Art".


Panel with enthroned Ruler Turğrul Bey (990-1063; Tughril-Tughrul) with his Oath Cup and in Turkish sitting position
and Courtiers [ Bey is a title like sir in English)
from İran (possibly the vicinity of Ray; not Persian!) 2nd half 12th century
Philadephia Museum!

Turkish Art, Royal Figure - Seljuk Period 12th-13th c
Metropolitan Museum!

Leaning Column Fragment from a Mihrab Object 
Name: Architectural; column fragment 
Date: second half of the 11th century
Geography: Dandanqan; Turkmenistan
Culture:Islamic! (No, not islamic but Turkish)


"Oysa bu tip olaylar, bir ulusun medeniyet ölçüsüdür."
"Whereas, such events are a nation's civilization measure."