24 Ağustos 2016 Çarşamba

Türk-İskit Lideri İdanthyrsus...

Heredot ilk büyük Türk generallerinden birinin ismini korumuştur. Onun adı İdanthyrsus'tur. Perslerin istilasına karşı savaşan İskit-Türklerin lideridir... 

Med kralı Cyaxares'in ihaneti sonucunda topraklarını terk eden İskit-Türklerinin torunları, 1500 yıl sonra Alp Arslan ile ata topraklarına geri dönmüştür... İdanthyrsus'un torunları Attila, Bilge Kağan atalarına ait topraklara artık terk etmemek kaydıyla geri dönmüştür...

Gahraman Gumbatov - link
Eski Türk Boylarının Hayatından
İdanthyrsus - Kuzey Karadeniz'in İskit-Türk Komutanı


Herodotus has preserved for us the name of one of the first great Turkic generals. His name was Idanthyrsus. In the story, he entered as a leader of the Turks, in the fight of the Scythians against the Persian invasion....

So, after 1500 years descendants, who left as a result of treachery Median king Cyaxares, from their native lands Turkic Scythians returned to their historical ancestral home. Thus, the descendants of Idanthyrsus, Attila, Bilge Kagan returned to the land of their forefathers, in order to no longer leave their native land. Today, the vast territory from Istanbul to Tashkent's population of over 160 million. Turks, accounting for 80% of all modern Turks...[today is more : 350 million-SB]

Modern ethnic map showing the settlement of Turkic peoples - is the result of the age-ethnogenetic and migration processes. .. The most ancient centers of the Turkic ethnic and Glottogonic, ie foci of the initial formation of the Turkic peoples, and languages, are inextricably linked with the West Eurasia - South Caucasus, Northern Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, as well as the Southern Urals. Eurasian steppe between the Volga and Yenisei still in VI-II thousand. BC. e. occupied the ancient Turkic tribes of Caucasoid racial type, the same "Turkish-Scythian-Sarmatian", many tribes who speak related to each other Turkic languages...

Alp Arslan Seljuk.

Alp Arslan was the nephew of the great military leader Seljuk Togrul Beg. Sultan Alp Arslan, strongly tuned to the return of the Turks within the historic ancestral home, in 1070, began active operations against Byzantium. Soon Seljukids captured Manzikert fortress. In the second half of the summer 1071 the Seljuk commander had under its banner army of not less than 50 thousand people, which is dominated by light cavalry archers. Manzikertskaya battle between the Turks and the Byzantines took place August 19, 1071... 

From the life of ancient Turkic tribes
Gahraman Gumbatov
Idanthyrsus-commander of the Black Sea north-Turkic Scythians.

google translate from:

Геродот сохранил для нас имя одного из первых великих тюркских полководцев. Звали его Иданфирс. В историю он вошёл как предводитель тюрков-скифов в борьбе с персидским нашествием....

Итак, через 1500 лет потомки, ушедших в результате вероломства мидийского царя Киаксара, с родных земель тюрков-скифов вернулись на историческую прародину. Таким образом, потомки Иданфирса, Маодуня, Атиллы, Бильге Кагана вернулись на земли своих прадедов, с тем, чтобы более не покидать родные земли. Сегодня на обширной территории от Стамбула до Ташкента проживают свыше 160 млн. тюрков, что составляет 80% всех современных тюрков....

Современная этническая карта, отражающая расселение тюркских народов, — это результат многотысячелетних этногенетических и миграционных процессов. Древнейшие очаги тюркского этно- и глоттогенеза, т. е. очаги первоначального формирования тюркских народов и языков, неразрывно связаны с западом Евразии — Южный Кавказ, Северные Причерноморье и Прикаспий, а также Южный Урал. Евразийские степи между Волгой и Енисеем еще в VI—II тыс. до н. э. занимали древнетюркские племена европеоидного расового типа, те самые «тюрко-скифо-сарматы», многочисленные племена которых говорили на родственных друг другу тюркских языках....

Алп-Арслан Сельджукид.

Алп-Арслан был племянником великого военного вождя сельджукидов Тогрул бека. Султан Алп-Арслан, решительно настроенный на возвращение тюркам территорий исторической прародины, в 1070 году начал активные боевые действия против Византии. Вскоре сельджукиды захватили крепость Манцикерт. Во второй половине лета 1071 года сельджукский полководец имел под своими знаменами армию численностью не менее 50 тысяч человек, в которой преобладала легкая конница лучников...

Из жизни тюркских племён древности
Гахраман Гумбатов
Иданфирс-полководец северо-причерноморских тюрков-скифов.


In addition to the Byzantine historians of ancient historians and the Georgian it was also well known that the Scythians, Turks, Bulgarians, the Khazars is a different time, and the local name of the Turkic ethnic group. 

"Tale of Bygone Years" The author wrote: "When the Slavic people, as we have said, lived on the Danube, came from the Scythians, that is, from the Khazars, the so-called Bulgarians, and sat on the Danube, and there were settlers in the land of the Slavs." (Translation DSLikhachev) VB Kovalevskaya in the book "The Caucasus - the Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans I thousand. BC. - I THOUSAND. BC "referring to the Chronicle" Kartlis Tskhovreba "Georgian historian of XI century. 

Leonti Mroveli writes: "Until now you could only assume that after the defeat of the Scythians Medes, some of them returned to the North Caucasus and in the Black Sea steppes, and some at first continued to reside in the Near East, part settled in the Caucasus, what a lot of evidence It gives archeology. Mroveli talks about this specifically. The Scythians, Routed Keyhosro king, passed Cas piyskim Sea, ascended the Kura and the "28 houses" they came to Mtskheta. In Mtskheta Mamasakhlisi Scythians asked to place in order to settle on the terms of military service, get it from the rocks of Mtskheta, settle there, calling it Sarkin ( "Iron place"). "For the purpose of mutual assistance they united (Kartlis - VK) alien-Turks (Scythians - VK) and introduced them to all cities ... build it (Sarkin - VK) around powerful fence .. .. " 

The correctness of the definition of chronological information Mroveli" the resettlement of 28 houses "in the neighborhood of Mtskheta end of VII century. BC. evidenced by the fact that all of the following, very briefly described the events related to the VI-V centuries. BC. and it is in the area marked by the concentration of M.N.Pogrebovoy Scythian material ( "Scythian inventory mix with horse burials, earlier in e quiet places unknown, adding to the territory of some forms of typical Scythian equipment - all this suggests that there were present themselves Scythians "). 

Evidence of the length of stay of the Scythians on the left bank of the Kura River are listed Mroveli more facts about the bun-Turks sitting on the bank of the Kura during the invasion of Alexander the Great ... 

Obviously, the relationship between the lowland agricultural local Caucasian population and Scythian (or Turkic) nomadic population were so traditional that less a century after the writing of Leonti Mroveli his work David the Builder resettles about 225,000 militant Kipchak (Polovtsy) from the North Caucasus in Kartli under the same conditions (5000th selective guard and a 40-thousand army, obviously, the bulk of the cavalry), releasing them for winter settlements in the Kartli plain and in the mountains - summer pastures. "

Gahraman Gumbatov: 
Old Russian and ancient Georgian historians about the Turks (in Russian language/link)

"Persler, eğer kuş olup uçmazsanız, fare olup yerin altına girmezseniz ve kurbağa olup bataklığa atlamazsanız, yurdunuza dönemeyeceksiniz; oklarla vurulup öleceksiniz" (Heredot 4:132)

(Scythians-Persian struggle/Scythians are the ancestors of todays Turkish people)
Yrd. Doç. Dr. İlhami DURMUŞ (1997) / link

“Unless you become birds, Persians, and fly up into the sky, or mice and hide in the earth, or frogs and leap into the lakes, you will be shot by these arrows and never return home.” (Herodotus book4;132)- link

Turkish Leader with his oath cup and Turkish Sitting / Scythian period


Quintus Curtius 'in " İskender " kitabında :

İskender Makedonya'dan çıktıktan sonra 328 lerde Semerkant civarında bir yere gelir ve Sakaların komutanı kendisini karşılar. Komutan kendisine şöyle der ;

'' Buraya dost olarak geldiyseniz mesele yok, sizi ağırlamaktan şeref duyarız. Yok düşman olarak geldiyseniz , unutmayın ki biz sizinle Tuna'da hemhududuz."

İskitler ,Sakalar veya Divan-ı Lügati Türk'te, İskender'in karşılaştığı Chou'lar , hepsi aynı millet . Buradan da şuraya varıyoruz, demek ki M.Ö.7 .yy'da Zeki Veli Togan'ın dediği gibi Macaristan ovalarından Çin sınırına kadar uzanan yekpare bir Türk İmparatorluğu var. 

Prof.Dr.Dursun Yıldırım
Hacettepe Üniv.Öğr.Üyesi
Türk Kültürünü Araştırma Ens.Başkanı

Kaynaklarda (ki Quintus Curtius'da aynı hatayı yapar) "İskit kralının kardeşi CARTHASİS" diye geçen "Carthasis" aslında "KARDEŞİ" kelimesinin kendisidir. Büyük İskender'in karşılaştığı işte bu "Carthasis" tir, yani İskit kralının kardeşidir. Lakin Türk Dilini bilen/bilmeyen (bilinçli/bilinçsiz) "Kardeşi" kelimesini bir "ad" olarak tarih kitaplarına geçirmiş ve o şekilde öğretmiştir.

Kelimenin "Kardeşi" olduğunu bildiren Almanca kaynak:"Die Türken und das Osmanische Reich"-Eugen Oberhummer.




1.The first one led Scythians, under whom, according to Strabo, they overran Asia, and advanced as far as Egypt. This was perhaps the incursion mentioned by Herodotus, who tells us that they held Asia for 28 years, and were ultimately driven out by Cyaxares, 607 BC. According to Herodotus, however, the king, who led the expedition of which he gives an account, was Madyas; and Madyas is mentioned by Strabo (i. p. 61) as king of the Cimmerians. An incursion of the Scythians to the borders of Egypt in very early times is recorded by Justin, but in an obscure and unsatisfactory way.

2. Another king of the Scythians, probably a descendant of the above. He was a son of Saulius, the brother and slayer of Anacharsis. When Darius I of Persia invaded Scythia, about 513 BC, and the Scythians retreated before him, he sent a message to Idanthyrsus, calling upon him either to fight or submit. The Scythian king answered that, in fleeing before the Persians, he was not urged by fear, but was merely living the wandering/nomadic life to which he was accustomed, that there was no reason why he should fight the Persians, as he had neither cities for them to take nor lands. He, however did reply, "But if all you want is to come to fight, we have the graves of our fathers. Come on, find these and try to destroy them: you shall know then whether we will fight you." (from wiki)

Goat is the Symbol of the Dynasty Gokturk/Kokturks- Turkish Khaganate

Ancient Turkic burial in Central Asia. Rook Hell
// History, archeology and ethnography of Central Asia, 1968.
 (google tr.Russian lang. / link)

The funeral rite is known to be one of the most persistent ethnic characteristics. The study of burial sites often allow with sufficient clarity to identify not only ethnic but also social groups of ancient societies. The given general provisions fully valid in relation to the study of archaeological sites of ancient Turkic Central Asia, South Siberia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

The following types of known archaeological sites of ancient Turkic nomads of Central Asia and Southern Siberia: the burial mounds with burials dates VII-X centuries. (burial with horse and without horse); stone statues and steles with fences, with stones-balbals; petroglyphs, Orkhon-Yenisei inscriptions on stones and individual items. Stand out funerary and ritual complexes of the highest nobility of the Turks in the Orkhon basin.
