30 Kasım 2017 Perşembe

Türk Sanatı ve Kültürü - Turkish Art & Culture

Memluklar Dönemi, Kupa - 12.yy , 
Suriye veya Mısır, British Müzesi
Büyük bir ihtimalle Haçlı Seferleri sırasında Fransa'ya getirilmiş.

"Palmer Cup" olarak adlandırılmış olup "İslam Sanatı" altında sunuluyor!...Halbuki "Türk Sanatı" altında sunulmalı, tıpkı diğer milletlere ait olanları millet adıyla sundukları gibi... Hiç, Hıristiyanlık döneminde yapılmış sanat eserlerini, herhangi bir yerde, "Hristiyan Sanatı" kategorisi altında gördük mü?..Hayır..

A leader in the "Turkish sitting position"
Glass Beaker, 12th c AD
Mamluk Kipchak Turks. Egypt or Syria, British Museum.

Probably was brought to France during the Crusades. It's called "The Palmer Cup" and presented under "Islamic Art"! ... However, it should be presented under "Turkish Art" just like they presented those who belong to other nations.. Have you ever seen, artworks made in the Christian period, under the category of "Christian Art"?..No..


Pair of Iznik-style Glass Mosque Lamps
19th/20th century
Turkish Art & Culture
NOT İSLAMİC Sotheby's! Must be presented under "TURKİSH ART & CULTURE"

Standard (‘Alam), Safavid - 16th c, İran 
Aga Khan Museum !-Canada
Safavids, a Turkish Empire, not Persian!
Turkish Culture & Art.
#Turks #Turkic

 Sırlı Turkuaz Kase, 12.yy-13.yy / Selçuklu – İran
Glazed Turquoise Bowl, 12th-13th c /Seljuk Turks – İran
Municipal Archaeological Museum of Madrid

Turkish Culture & Art 
And Not Persian like Balclis represents!
Esto es "Cultura y Arte Turco", ¡Y No Persa!

! Wrong İnformation from Balclis, about ethnic and culture !
"Persian bowl "minai" in glazed earthenware in turquoise, from the XII-XIII centuries. Some descantillados and fissure. Bibliography: "Catalog of the Exhibition of Persian Antiquities, Commemoration of the XXV Centenary of the Empire of Iran", Municipal Archaeological Museum of Madrid, 1971, p. 97, no. 610
8.5 cm alt. and 19 cm dia"

Esto es "cultura y arte turco" ¡Y no persa!
! información incorrecta de Balclis !, sobre étnico y cultura !

Memluk Türklerine ait Minyatür - 1325-50
Aga Khan Müzesi, Kanada
Mamluk Turks Miniature - 1325-50
The other name of Mamluks is
"Dawla al-Turkiyya" (The State of The Turks)
The Aga Khan Museum !, Canada
Turkish Culture & Art.
#Turks #Turkic

Long-Necked Bottle - 12th-13th century
Seljuk-Atabeg Period - from İran

Everything till here is a correct info, but then the info goes as "Culture: Persian" !
This is typical Turkish Art, and not Persian! So, it must be registered as "Turkish Culture". 
And then you call yourself "Harvard"... 
May I ask, from where, which respect do you deserve? 

Seljuks and Atabegs are the Turks.
One of the 24 Oghuz (Oğuz) Turks is Kınık (reading as Kynyk) Tribe, and they are the founder of the 
Seljuk Dynasty/Empire in İran and Turkey.

Atabegs are experienced statesmen, their job was to educate the Seljuk princes, to be a commander, 
about governing and as counsel to the Seljuk princes.

Atabeg (Tr.etym.); 
Ata = Ancestor, Father.
Beg (Bey) = Gentleman, Sir, Mister.

Turquoise Bowl with Lute Player and Audience
Late 12th–early 13th century - Seljuk Turks.
From Iran, in Metropolitan Museum!
Turkish Culture & Art.

@Metropoltian Museum, when it comes to other cultures, you write the culture name, but when it comes to Turks, it is "uncultured".. and only the Ottoman period is categorized as Turkish culture.! We are a big family, which you can't ignore; for instance Seljuks, non of them are listed as Turkish culture!.. Shame on you...SB.

More in Metropolitan Museum without culture name, without mention the "Turkish Culture & Art"!
Seljuk Turks , Mirror with a Pair of Addorsed Sphinxes with Scorpion Tails , is Turkish Culture & Art ! 
Seljuk Turks, Hexagonal Tile Ensemble with Sphinx, is Turkish Culture & Art ! 
Seljuk Turks, Bowl with a Majlis Scene by a Pond, is Turkish Culture & Art ! 

Other mistake! :
Are you also playing with the kids mind Metropolitan Museum? Syria? Turkey? Which one is it?
Daphne is the Roman name given to Antioch (Hatay today), and it is in modern Turkey, and not modern Syria! 

Mirror with Zodiac signs,  Seljuk Turks - 12th c AD, Found in İran,
Turkish Culture & Art
!Department of Islamic Art ! -Musée du Louvre !
pas le département islamique ! mais la culture Turque et l'art !

Seljuk Turks, 12th-13th c,found in İran
Turkish Culture & Art
And Not "Early Islamic Pottery" or some other İslamic category !
İslam contains many ethnic!
Fitzwilliam Museum - Cambridge/England

one more:

The Vaso Vescovali

Shame on you British Museum ! This is "Not İslamic Culture",  
İt is "Turkish Culture & Art", I condemn you!
Seljuk Period. Horasan (Khorasan) was the center of Seljuk Turks,
which comes from an Oghuz tribe: Kınık!

Title (object): The Vaso Vescovali
Description: A lidded bowl of high tin bronze, engraved and inlaid with silver. Decorated with signs of the zodiac, the sun and the moon, it displays a complex astrological imagery. It has twelve roundels, each containing the personification of a planet with the sign of the zodiac representing its day or night house. The figure drawing water from a well is Saturn in his night house Aquarius. The figure riding a ram is Mars in his night house Aries. The eight roundels on the lid contain personifications of the planets, including the dragon 'Jawzahr' who represents the lunar eclipse. Each figure has six arms with which to carry the emblems of their magical influences.
Culture/period : Middle Islamic (!!!) 
Date: 1200 (circa)
Production place: Made in: Khurasan
The Trustees of the British Museum !

If the European and the other states museums exhibited the art of; Safavids, Avshar, Kipchak, Mamluk, Avars, Huns, Seljuks, Ottomans, Akkoyunlu (White Sheep Turkomans), Artuqids, Kachars, Babur (Mughal), Delhi, Zengids, Khazars, Karakoyunlu (Black Sheep Turkomans), Anatolian Principalities and the art of more I can not remember, which belongs to a lot of Turkish tribes and states; and more art which are under the category of Islamic Arts, but those who belongs to the Turks; if these arts comes under the "Turkish Culture & Art", Europeans shall have a problem, like getting hot :) On top of that, if we add the other Turkish states like; Azerbaijan, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Turkmen, Uzbek, Uyghurs, Sakha (Yakuts), Khakassia and others, plus the Turks from BC times like; Sacae (Scythians) art, and of course more tribes from BC times; all of these brings a huge Turkish Culture, that shall give the Europeans a culture shock and they will faced "a sick Europeans, in terms of culture and art"... Do you have an aspirin?... 

Why did I say that? Artifacts in these museum in the names of tribes, which the citizens don't know that their ethnic is Turkish; "Turks". Some of these artifacts are in Persian and some don't have a culture "ethnic" name. And some are under the "İslamic Category" listed, which, the religion is spread among different ethnics/states (like Arabs!). What they are doing is completely wrong and I call as "discrimination" against the Turks and other Turkish tribes.


Safavi, Avşar, Kıpçak, Memluk, Avar, Hun, Selçuk, Osmanlı, Akkoyunlu, Artuklu, Kaçar, Babür, Zengi, Hazar, Karakoyunlu, Beylikler ve daha hatırlayamadığım bir çok Türk boylarının ve devletlerinin sanatı ile İslam Sanatı altında gösterilen, ama Türklere ait olan sanat eserlerini, Avrupa ve diğer ülkelerin müzeleri "Türk Kültürü ve Sanatı" altında sergilerlerse, Avrupalılara sıcak basar ve dudakları uçuklar :) Üstüne diğer Türk devletleri; Azerbaycan, Kazak, Kırgız, Türkmen, Özbek, Türkistan, Uygur, Yakut, Hakasya, v.s. ile MÖ dönemi Türklerini, Sakalar gibi, de eklersek .. Çok büyük bir kültür açığa çıkar, ki "Kültür ve Sanat açısından Hasta bir Avrupa" ile karşı karşıya kalırız... Aspirin var mı?... 

Müzelerdeki sanat eserlerine boy adları konuluyor, ama halk onların Türk olduklarını bilmiyor. Hatta bazılarına Pers, bazılarına da hiçbir etnik adı yazmıyorlar. Bazılarını da İslam kategorisi altında sunuyorlar. Bu yaptıkları tamamen yanlıştır ve buna "ayrımcılık" denir.

How do you call yourself "scholars", "museums" ?
Are you all anti-Turk?...
This is a crime against the  "Culture of Turks", more then that,
This is an"Ethnic-Hate-Crime"
I condemn you all!..

Türk Sanatı ve Kültürü
Turkish Art & Culture
Art et Culture Turque
Arte y Cultura Turca
Arte e Cultura Turche
Türkische Kunst und Kultur
Турецкое искусство и культура

Neden Türk Kültürü ve Medeniyeti Denmez?