Origins of the Sagittarius Mythos
In a Persian legend of the very early period, when Iran was civilized by a western Mesopotamian ruler, Takma Urupi (Takma=Tana) whose wife was Eneth. Eneth or Nana are names of the mother goddess of waters, rivers, and fertility among Mesopotamian and Scythian peoples.
Takhma Urupi (Nimrod), has three sons Tura, Sin, and Iredj. The first two stick together against the third son who inherits Iran. Tura becomes the ancestor of the Turanians, that is Scythians and Huns. Nimrod was known by several names in the Near East and was symbolized by the constellations Sagittarius and Orion amongst the Turanian/Scythian nations.
The centaur race is marked in myth as particularly war like and fierce. The Mesopotamians, who introduced the constellation Sagittarius and defined it as a centaur, represented it as twin headed with a human head facing forward and an animal head facing back, imagery which later adapted into the presence of a cloak flying behind the head of the constellation figure.
Insight into how the centaur myth originated offers an interesting reflection on its early basis. The first and most effective race to use the horse in battle was the Scythians, skilled archers who took full advantage of its speed and height to become a race beheld in terror and awe. It is claimed that when the Greeks first saw the Scythians they believed the horse and rider to be one, giving rise to imaginative and fear-inspired tales of the war-like centaur.
constellation, late 14c., from L., lit. "archer," properly "pertaining to arrows," from sagitta "arrow," which probably is from a pre-Latin Mediterranean language. Meaning "person born under Sagittarius" (properly Sagittarian) is attested from 1940.
Various OLD German forms are „scuzzo“, „skut“, „sketta“, „schütte“, modern German „Schütze“ Anglosaxon „skytt“ and in Swedish „skytte“ ... look : Scythians and Tur
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"Yunanlılar tarihlerin şafağında İskitler ile çetin savaşlar yapmışlardır... Efsaneye dönüşmüş bu savaşlarda bazen Centaurlar bazen de Amazonlar ile çarpışmışlardır.
Bilindiği gibi Centaurlar "insan başlı at vücutlu" varlıklardır... Efsanede böyle geçen şey, aslında at üstündeki İskit savaşçıları idi!..
Benzer bir değerlendirme, hayatlarında hiç at görmemiş Amerika yerlilerince, istilacı İspanyol Süvarileri için yapılmıştı. Aztekler Cortez'in savaşçılarını atlarına bitişik çelik vücutlu yenilmez varlıklar olarak algılamışlardı." link
Yakutlar ayı kafası üzerine ant içmekteydiler. Ayı kafası bulunmadığı zaman at kafası üzerine ant içiyorlardı. Yakutların kökenleri hakkında söyledikleri efsaneye göre ilk ataları yarısı at, yarısı kişi şeklinde bir yaratık olup, gökten inmişti. Bunun için onlarda at kutlu sayılmaktaydı.
Genelde Türk kavimlerinde atların kafatasları yere atılmayıp, bir sırığa geçirilmek suretiyle dikilmektedir. Bu adet Türk kültür çevresinde yaygın olarak görülmektedir (İnan 1948: 289- 290).
Prof.Dr.İlhami Durmuş
Avery ancient word, probably Turanian, from Gan "man" and Tor "beast", as in Finnic and in Akkadian speech, according to Colonel Conder.
The Kentaur was akin to the Gandharva (see that heading) and was the offspring of Ixion (the sun) and tje cloud. They were armed with bows, having a horse's body (if a Hippo Kentaur) or that of an ass (if an Ono Kentaur) with the head ,arms, and trunk, of a man in front. The most famous Kentaur was Kheiron. Nessus a Kentaur was slain by the sun (see Herakles) and in mythology they seem clearly to represent clouds.