4 Eylül 2016 Pazar

Turks in the History of the Scandinavians and Vikings

"Our ancestors are Turks who are comrades of Oden. We have got enough evidence on this subject. 
There are people who want to fool you into thinking they are Geto, or Tracian. 
I don't care whether it will be discrediting for me or not. 
Oden and his comrades were Turks."

"We Germanic People are in Origin Türks, we have not to be ashamed of this fact. 
The Turks are a very honorable and pride People." 

Prof. Sven Lagerbring (1707-1787)
the Father of Swedish Historiography

Sven's original book cover

translated in Turkish by Abdullah Gürgün
["Oden ve yanındakiler Türktüler" - "Oden and his companions were Turks"
Prof.Sven Lagerbring İsveççenin Türkçe ile Benzerlikleri
İsveçlilerin Türk Ataları
Çeviren ve Hazırlayan Abdullah Gürgün,2008,Kaynak Yayınları]

Odin’s father was Bur, son of "Búri"= "Buri/Börü"= is Turkish, meaning is "Wolf".
Odin; "Od" =is Turkish, meaning is "Fire"
Odin = is Turkish (Odun), meaning is "Wood"
Odin was a Shaman from Tyrkland in Snorri's Edda.

more Turkish words:
"Asgaard (As city, Askal), Göl (lake in Turkish), Orun, Qöpül, Qömül, Eykin...topographic
Anar, Torkel, Atyl, Qamli (Kamli-like in the word "Kam" + Kamlı means "with Kam"), Yekul, Eqil, Erp, Eyrik, Qangleri (Kangleri - Kang Turks), Buri (Börü), Qunn (Kun Turks), Qunlauq, Eynar, Elli, Aslauq, Asdis." 
[Doç.Dr.Osman Karatay (book:İran and Turan)]

The etymology/origin of "Hakan" is Turkish, it's a title, 
used by the rulers of the Turkish States. Today, a male name.

"The next day, when the people sat down to table, the bondes pressed the king strongly to eat of horse-flesh*"
"* It was a ceremony apparently commemorative of THEIR ASIACTİC ORIGIN and ANCESTORS."
Heimskringla or The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway 
by Snorri Sturluson 

from an other book of Snorri, 
(they cut many subjects out, if they don't like it!)


The harvest thereafter, towards the winter season, there was a
festival of sacrifice at Hlader, and the king came to it.  It had
always been his custom before, when he was present at a place
where there was sacrifice, to take his meals in a little house by
himself, or with some few of his men; but the bondes grumbled
that he did not seat himself in his high-seat at these the most
joyous of the meetings of the people.  The earl said that the
king should do so this time.  The king accordingly sat upon his
high-seat.  Now when the first full goblet was filled, Earl
Sigurd spoke some words over it, blessed it in Odin's name, and
drank to the king out of the horn; and the king then took it, and
made the sign of the cross over it.  Then said Kar of Gryting,
"What does the king mean by doing so?  Will he not sacrifice?"
Earl Sigurd replies, "The king is doing what all of you do, who
trust to your power and strength.  He is blessing the full goblet
in the name of Thor, by making the sign of his hammer over it
before he drinks it."  On this there was quietness for the
evening.  The next day, when the people sat down to table, the
bondes pressed the king strongly to eat of horse-flesh (1); and
as he would on no account do so, they wanted him to drink of the
soup; and as he would not do this, they insisted he should at
least taste the gravy; and on his refusal they were going to lay
hands on him.  Earl Sigurd came and made peace among them, by
asking the king to hold his mouth over the handle of the kettle,
upon which the fat smoke of the boiled horse-flesh had settled
itself; and the king first laid a linen cloth over the handle,
and then gaped over it, and returned to the high-seat; but
neither party was satisfied with this.
(1)  This eating of horse-flesh at these religious festivals was
     considered the most direct proof of paganism in the
     following times, and was punished by death or mutilation by
     Saint Olaf.  It was a ceremony apparently commemorative of
     their Asiatic origin and ancestors.

Eating "Horse Flesh" is a Turkish Culture = The Turks (Scythians-Huns-Gokturks) 


The Futhark alphabet was used by the North European Germanic peoples (the Swedish, Norwegian and Danish) between the 3rd and 17th centuries A.D. About 3500 stone monuments in Europe, concentrated mostly in Sweden and Norway, are claimed to have been inscribed with this writing.

The purpose of this article is to draw the readers' attention to the fact that this Futhark alphabet, which is also called the Runic (1) stemmed from the very same origin as did the ancient Turkish (2) inscriptions with Gokturk (3) alphabet.The article is concerned solely with reading the alphabet known as "the primitive futhark", found inscribed on a rock in Kylver on Gotland Island, Sweden, in addition to the other two stone monuments, namely the Mojbro stone in Uppland, and the Istaby stone in Blekinge, with their photographs available, and which are considered to belong to the group classified as the oldest runic inscriptions, by matching their characters with those in the Gokturk inscriptions, and thus being able to decipher them in Turkish. Further ideas, interpretations and opinions in relation to this particular subject shall not be treated within this article. I suggest that more interested readers should get in touch with us directly.

I would like to emphasize the point that I am not advocating any claim on these texts being written in the Gokturk script or vice versa. My claim is that the alphabets of these monuments found in both Europe and the Central Asia have stemmed from a common origin in a very remote past. Then, it was only a natural development for the Turkish, and the Germanic tribes that, although in locations so far away from each other, they could seperately carry on with this heritage of writing. I hold the belief that I have been able to prove the claim summarized above by reading the monuments written in Futhark alphabet, or the Oldest Runic, in Turkish through the help of the Gokturk alphabet. The result submitted to your reading here is just a small part of a greater research that has been going on for the past several years (4).

M.Turgay Kürüm/link


The Eastern sojourn of German peoples and their subsequent return is clearly marked in futhark. Arild Hauge maintains a Web site on the subject of Futhark. He follows the conventional belief that runes were created about AD 100 to 200 among Goths or other Germanic tribes located in an area north of the Black Sea. He supposes that Futhark was stimulated by the model of the Greek and Latin alphabets, but Hauge links to Kjell Aartun who supposes that runes were one of many writing systems found in Asia Minor (Turkey-SB) as far back as 2000 DC from which the Greek and Latin alphabets were also developed. Also linked to Hauge's Web site is Turkish scholar Turgay Kurum (M.Turgay Kürüm-SB) who establishes a relationship between Futhark and Goktur, a script found on the Orhun Monuments in the Orhun River valley south of Lake Baykal in Central Asia.

Kurum has gone so far as to read the as yet undeciphered Klyver stone from Stanga, the Istaby stone from Blekinge, and the Mjbro stone from Uppland Sweden using the Gokturk style of reading characters. Rendered roughly in today's English, the Mjbro stone reads: May both of the dogs charge well, so that the sacred sky-spirit acknowledges their boldness. On this stone, under the inscription, there is a carving of a rider on his horse, holding up a round shield in his left hand while brandishing a sword in his right. There are two dogs running beside the horse. The runes on the Mojbro stone were being used as a phonetic alphabet with no association with the original Futhark meanings. 

Kurum supposes Germanic runes and Gokturk have both stemmed from a common ancestor in a very remote past. The Turkish language now also belongs to the Turkish-Altaic family rather than the Indo-European family, but Joseph Greenberg included them in his earlier Eurasian language family. The similarity between Futhark and Gokturk is so high that it is imposible to deny a close association. Before it was discovered in 1893 that the Orhun inscriptions represented a Turkish language, European scholars supposed that they represensted a Viking invasion from the West. All subsequent explanations have been unsatisfactory and the Orhun inscriptions are largely ignored today.

Greek myth preserves a memory of the German Heraclides that had moved to the region north of the Crimea after the impact of Typhon. We have seen the social intermeingling at the verge of forest and steppe throught the eyes of Heredotus who described the Germanic peoples, which he called the Budini, along with the Turkich Scythes, and the Sarmatians who comprised Scythian males and Finnish females called Amazons who spoke the language of Scythia, but not well according to Heredotus. There is no doubt that these Germanic, Finnish, Turkic peoples sat around each other's campfires, chewing the fat late into the night, chanting the epic stories, and singing of lost loves and civilizations....

In Norse tradition the Sky-Turks (means Gokturks (6th c AD)/ actually misreaded, states real name was "Turkish Khaganate"-SB), Scythians, and/or Sarmatians are remembered as the white elves of Alfheim who were skilled metalworkers. The king of the white elves of Alfheim was Freyr. These elves practiced the metalworking skills of relatives called the black dwarves of gnomes of Swartalfheim. These would appear to be the Turkic tribes who lived in Eastern Anatolia in the valleys of the headwaters of the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers. It was the same dwarfish forges that produced bronze thousands of years before that would now produce iron. And the Proto-Indo-European root that had produced *Eis meaning "ire" and "irate", would now come to stand for the sacred metal of the Age of Iraon following the cosmic impact of Typhon. When Odin returned from the East he would bring with him smelting and forging methods that involved the use of hardwood charcoal. Od in Turkish means "fire", odun means "firewood". Odin the Ygg was the "good young firewood".

After his return to the West, Odin would also learn things that he had forgotten from his blue-eyed, blond-haired Jotnar cousins who stayed in the Scandinavian highlands. From a Volva, Odin learned how to brew beer again, and he doubtless learned some of the ancient meanings of the runes. The word Yggdrasil, the Nordic Tree of Life, is a cognate with the Turkish words Yigac asil, meaning "noble main tree". This, like Tengri, was likely a contribution from Germanic to Turkic unless it is a case of convergent evolution with the roots coming from a common earlier ancestor in Eurasian. As we have seen Ygg comes from Ing.Yig, like Ing and Ygg, means "young" coming from the Eurasian root *Yeug of *Jeug, which has also given us the Tibetan Nge Jung meaning "to be born again", and the Chinese character Yong meaning "everlastin", "perpetual" and "forever".

The tree of life in Norse legend refers to the first male mrotal, Ask, who was fashioned from an ash tree. Two ash trees are actually involved in Norse tradition. The rowan or mountain ash, Sorbus aucuparia, gave us the Norse word runa meaning "charm", Swedish word ronn meaning "red" as in its red berries. Ash as in Asgard refers to the "center post" or "king post" provided by the true ash tree, Fraxinus excelsior. Neither of these ash trees occurs naturally in the East. In the West it would be the oleaginous true-ash-tree that would used to give the highest heat for the purpose of metalworking and would become the "noble main tree" of life for Odin leaving the rowan in the lurch, the icon of a failed religion.

We have proposed that the union of the twenty-two character Futhark symbols occured just before the Germanic sojourn to the East. The runes from Yr to Ing represent the ten runes of the older calender, Ing being Njorth. Njorth is associated with the beginning and the end of the calendar year. The runes from Feu to Jara represent the twelve-month zodiacal calendar, imported from Sumerian tradition. Jara is known as Freyr's rune. In Icelandic Freyr is called the year god and is associated with the beginning and the end of the calendar year. Freyr bore the title of Yngvi or Ingunar so he was Njorth for the new age. Herein we have the basis for the alphabetical symbol set of twenty-two characters. But the modern Futhark set contains twenty-four symbols rather than twenty-two. Turgay Kurum solves this riddle as well.

Turgay Kurum has read the oldest extant Futhark twenty-four character rune row from the ylver stone in stanga, Gotland. This is the order of the runes that we have shown above. He point sout the characters 22,23 and 24 if read from right to left - Ogal, Dag and Ing - give us Oding or Odin. Turgay Kurum suggests that the last two last characters, Ogal and Dag, were added at the beginning of the Iron Age with the return of Odin's people to the West. In other words, the modern Futhark set is Odin's signed and sealed symbol set that he and his people brought back to the West. Odin's Germanic Futhark also carried with it the rustic sibilance of the steppes peoples of Central Asia reflected in endings such as Uruz, Thurisaz, Tiwaz and Ingwaz that many modern renditions of Futhark still give them.

A Modern Theory of Language Evolution
Carl J. Becke

"Northwest, particularly in Sweden, Norway and Denmark, are approximately 3500 stones. It will be right, if these findings, which is called Futhark, evaluate with Gokturk (Orkhun) inscriptions." 
Prof.Dr.İsmail Doğan (Göktürk Yazısı,Türkler "Gokturk inscriptions - Turks" vol.3)
(Turkish inscripitons are much older/link)



These diggings were conducted by Riks Antiquary B.E.Hildebrand and Lieut-Colonel Stat, chiefly in the days of August-September 1846 and June 1847. The only printed notices thereon appeared at the time, chiefly from the pen of B.E.Hildebrand in the Upsala paper 'Correspondenten' Nos- 1846-1847

1. Correspondenten September 12-1846 - 
Diggings going on but prove more laborious than had been expected.

2. Correspondenten September 1846 - 
A boarded gallery 7 Swedish feet 5 inches high and 5 feet broad has been consturcted from the east side of the howe (Oden's Howe, the largest of the three so-called King-howes) towards the centre. After penetrating 68 feet (20 mt) a mighty wall of granite blocks was struck, probably a grave-chamber. During the digging have been found unburnt animal bones, bits of dark wood, charcoal, burnt bones, etc.Thus this was evidently a sepulchral mound. The name King-howes is evidently correct. Diggings have also been made in the smaller cairns near by, and although they have been opened before, burial-urns have been found, burnt human bones, bones of animals and birds, bits of iron and bronze,etc.

3. Correspondenten September 1846 -
The great wall has proved to be the edge of a mşghty chamber. Between 200 and 300 large granite blocks have been taken out. Some of them have traces of tooling. The gallery has been carried 16 Swedish feet through the stone mass, which lies on hard packed clay, over a layer of fine sand, resting on large stones above the natural soil. At the middle of the howe the grave-chamber is 9 feet above the level of the soil, 18 feet under the top of the howe. On the bed of clay under the great stones have been found an iron clinker 3 inches long, remains of pine poles partly burnt, a lock of hair chestnut coloured, etc. The numerous clusters of charcoal show that the dead had been burned on the layer of clay, and the bones have been collected in an urn not yet found. In oner of the neares samll howes have been found a quantity of burnt animal and human bones, two little-injured bronze brooches, a fragment of a golden ornament, etc.

4. Correspondenten June 23 1847 - 
The burial-urn has been found in the grave-chamber. Also have turned up bones of men, horses, dogs, a golden ornament delicately worked, a bone comb, bone buttons...

5. Correspondenten July 3 1847 - 
The gallery has been dreiven 4 feet farther, thereafter has been made a side gallery, 8,5 feet wide and 8 feet long, up to the burial-urn. This was found 3 inches under the soil, and was covered with a thin slab. It was 7 inches high 9 inches in diameter, filled with burnt bones, human and animal (horse, dog,etc.) ashes, charcoal (of needle and leaf trees), nails, copper ornaments, bone articles, a bird of bone.etc. In the mass of charcoal about were found bones, broken ornaments, bits of two golden bracteates,ets. Coins of King OScar were then placed in the urn, and everything restored as before.

Frey's Howe was opened and showed the same results.....page 526-527

Rude Stone - J.Fergusson

PS: Data on Horse Burials are more scanty, because their remains were not always collected and sometimes were not even mentioned in the record of excations!

A ruling class burial/kurgan in Oseberg-Norweigen: Burial Ceremony with Horses, and the the tails of horses are knotted, like in Turkish culture. / link

"Swedish Professor Åke Daun show that foreigners perceive Swedes as being cold heartless people with a sluggish mind. These are traits that can be attributed to their Attila-genes.... According to Professor of Archeology at the University of Oslo, Lotte Hedeager, the old Norwegian (and also Swedish) ruling class consisted of Huns. ... many of the names given in the Nordic sagas are parallel to the names of Hunnic kings, like Halfdan (Huldin), Roar (Ruga), Ottar (Ottar), and Adils (Attila). ... Atle, which is derived from Attila, is a common name in present day Scandinavia."

By Tor G. Jakobsen, NTNU / link



Old Scandinavian records inform that ancestors of the Scandinavian peoples had condensed contacts wth the region where ancient Turks used to live, and sometimes directly with the Turks. They contain very significant cultural elements. Besides, some ethnic contacts occured. Consequently, withnessing the very similarity of typecasting of heroes, which is one of the most outstanding cultural peculiarities, of the Scandinavian and Turanic realms is not very suprising. In addition, basic words of the two denominting heroes are strikingly similar to each other, and likely cognate.

Doç.Dr.Osman Karatay/link


1.6. Trojans in the North: Turkic Kings of Scandinavian Sagas 

The existence of the Trojans in the north of Europe is openly discussed in the old Scandinavian writings of the 13th and 14th centuries, in which «the people of Priam» are said to have settled in the North. Priam is known to have been the last king of Troy Some Germanic sources write about the old kings of Sweden and Norway as Turkic kings and the royal nobility of Scandinavia as being of Trojan origin. 

The northward migration of the Trojans also found its reflection in the «Saga about Nibelungs» where the Trojans are called albs («heroes») and their king – Alberikh. 

Alb is derived from the old Turkic alp, alb («brave», «daring») . As to Alberikh, it consists of the same alb and old Turkic – erik («swift», «energetic») . The first element of erig (er «brave», «warrior») was used in combination with alb/alp as a personal name: Alber, a Trojan personal name in the «Iliad», Alper – an Old Turkic personal name with the meaning «brave warrior», «brave man» and «daring man». 

Prof.Dr.Chingiz Garasharly - link
The Turkic Civilization lost in the Mediterranean basin
BAKÜ 2011


The Viking Voyages: to America

"Leiff passes the winter there on the land and calls it vinland sails thereafter home to grönland and helps some shipwrecked men. it happened one evening, that there was missed a man of their party, who was Tyrcker the southern-landish man."

Tyrcker the southern-landish man= A Turk: Turker/Türker.

And Türker is still a male or surname among Turks.
even the "Beowulf" (which was written in the 10th c AD) and Turkish Legend: "Dede Korkut" (wich was written in 1000 BC- same origin as Homer) have similarities.

Seljuk Turks Tattoo - Scandinavian Petroglyph- New Mexico/USA Petroglyph
For the petroglyph of New Mexico they explained as: "The symbolic meaning of the circle and dots is undetermined, however, it is believed to be linked to the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl."... Well this is the sign of the God (which is Tengri in Turkish) and Four Direction. Quetzalcoatl was a God afterall. And the origin of this symbol is Central Asia Turks. Scandinavians have also connection with the Turks, with Odin and his people and Hun-Turks after the dead of Attila. - SB.
Scandinavian petroglyph and the tattoo of a Seljuk-Turkish Girl is exact the same, God/Sun Symbol - Nuray Bilgili

Kipchak-Alban Turks - Azerbaijan