9 Nisan 2017 Pazar

Türk Tamgası; Turkish Mark

Pict - Aberlemno II taşından detay, MS 8.yy, İskoçya
Türk - Pantolon'dan detay, MÖ 1500, Doğu Türkistan

İskoçlar bu tamgayı hiç kullandılar mı?...
Does the Scottish people ever use this mark?
Türkler ise bu tamgayı hep (Anadolu'da) kullandılar, hem de pantalon bulunmadan önce.... Kültürel Hafıza...
But the Turks, does use, always (Turkey), this mark, even before the pants was found... Culturel Memory... 
(read the article of Dr.Mustafa Aksoy  with photos of this mark in Turkey+ his web page)

Aberlemno II - MS 8.yy (8th c AD), İskoçya (Scotland)
İskit - MÖ 4.yy Altın aplike, Orta Asya?
Scythian gold applique 4th c BC, Central Asia?
Niksar Çöreğibüyük Cami - 14.yy (14th c), Tokat/Türkiye

Niksar Çöreğibüyük (Yüreğibüyük) 14.yy - Aberlemno 8.yy ile benzer diğer betimlemeler de gözden kaçmıyor tabi....

Kün-Ay (Sun - Moon)
Pictic Stone, Class 1, 6th-8th c AD, class I have no cross. With "Sun-Moon(crescent)"

Pictish, class III, 9th-10th c AD
There are warriors with (+) symbols on their shoulders, and beneath them are two Wolf-Dragon with long tongues.
Turkish, 11th-12th c AD
Wolf-Dragon represents the "Time" and the person who holds the tongues controls the time,  (+) symbol represents the "God" which is called Tengri. (an other Turkish Art-Wolf-Dragon)

 for; Pazyryk - Unicorn - Symbols

Pictish painted pebbles, 1000 AD, Scotland
Khakassia Turks, 3000-2000 BC Petroglyph: A Shaman!(Kam in Turkish) with "The Seven Ancestor" and Tengri (God) symbol (+)

 PİCTS ( Pictler=Dövmeli):
* "Hint-Avrupalı veya Aryan değildir" Prof.Sayce

* "Bede Pictlerin İrlanda'ya İskitia'dan geldiğini belirtir... görülüyor ki Pictler Kelt-İskit karışımı... Kimmerler ile karışmış..."
["Bede states that the Picts came to Ireland from appears that the Picts were Celto-Scythians..mixed with Cimbrians.." - John O'Hart (Irish Pedigrees; or The Orgin and stem of the Irish Nation:book)]

Scythian-Cimbrians (Cimmerian) Turks
İskoçya- Pictlerin Ülkesi (Pictland)

Kinadius, Alpinus'un oğlu, İskoçların ilk kralı, 16 yıl boyunca varlık, refah içinde hüküm sürdü. Pictland Pictlere ithafen anıldı, söylediğimiz gibi, Kinadius yok etti."

["So Kinadius son of Alpinus, first of the Scots, ruled this Pictland prosperously for 16 years. Pictland was named after the Picts, whom, as we have said, Kinadius destroyed." 
( The History of Scotland, cilt 1: book]

"Alpin Evi" (House of Alpin)
ALP = Köken Türkçe
(ALP; etymology-origin is Turkish; brave, fearless, young warrior)

CLAN = Köken Türkçe, Oğlan kelimesinden Clan'a (Kabile)
Etymology Turkish ; Oghlan (boy)- Oglan-Glan-Clan

Aberlemno MS 8.yy - Kelermes MÖ 7.yy - Perseus ve Medusa MÖ 7.yy / link
Virgil Aeneas'ta Ağaçeriler "Pictique" yani dövmeli / link
Kelts/Celts; etymology of this word is Turkish : root word "KEL" means "come" /link
Tengri Symbol among Cimmerians-Scythians and Hungarians

in the 7th-9th century of England, English nation was not yet formed...While the Turks erected the Orkhun Monuments...
"History without or within the Turks? " /link