30 Mart 2017 Perşembe

Karaim Jewish Turks / Karaim Musevi Türkleri

Karaim Jewish Turks in Crimea Ukraine - early 20th c
Karaim Musevi Türkleri - Kırım/Ukrayna - 20.yy başları
Altynly fez = Altınlı Fez (Turkish)
Fes (Headdress) in Gold; With six pointed star (to be seen in Hun-Turkish symbol-alphabet, see Noin Ula Kurgan 1st c BC , see also Seljuk Turks) and crescent-star [(sun) - in Turkish Kün-Ay = sun-Moon]
A Karaim Turkish Girl with this headdress
ve bu tip bir başlıkla bir Karaim Türk kızı...
(Seraya Szapszal's Karaim collection. Vilnius. 2004) link:
see Mamluk Turk symbols (a tribe of Kipchak Turks, Karaim Turks spoke Kipchak Turkish)

Footnote for Fez:

Fes/Fez (headdress) is actually Not a Turkish culture. Was brought from city Fez - Morocco at the beginning of the 19th c. and was marketed by the British merchant at the order of the Queen. In 1583 the Queen commandment to English Trade Representative to open a marked for this "red, without a fringe, a Scottish headdress" among the Turks. They have not forgotten for 250 years, eventually in 1832 at the time of Sultan Mahmut II, the Turks were wearing this "Fez". It was used for 200 years among Turkish people.

America (USA) is a 250 years old country and a nation state (İtalian, English, French, German, Irish, Spanish, etc.). They might call themselves "I'm an American", but, only "200 years" old "Fez" does not define Turkish Culture, Turks with at least 8000 years historical background...


250 yıllık olan Amerika (ABD), ki bir ulus-devlettir (İtalyan, İngiliz, Fransız, Alman, İrlandalı, İspanyol, vs.), kendilerine "Ben Amerikalıyım" diyor, desin, belki onlara 250 yıl yetiyordur! Ama sadece 200 yıllık olan "fes", kültürümüzü temsil edemez, etmez, çünkü Türklerin tarihi-kültürü en az 8000 yıllık...

Fes Türk Kültürü değildir. - Sinan Meydan / Cengiz Özakıncı: link

Ukraine Bakhchisaray [Bahçe+saray (Garden+Palace) Crimea]:

Karaites spoke Turkish language (a Kipchak Turkish branch), but wrote with the Hebrew alphabet, after accepting Jewish religion. On some of the gravestones are found ancient Turkic symbols. So that means, not every Hebrew inscriptions or six pointed star belongs to the Jewish people of today!... Karaites are Turkish people. They have been assimilated over time, but that doesn't erase the fact, their origin...

see also: 
"Men Karaimce ürianiam" (Turkish)  - "I learn Karaim" and

"Asher" in the name "Asher İsrael (Becker)" 
from the book: Memorial Book of Lutsk (Luts'k, Ukraine) Translation of Seyfer Lutsk, 1961

is Turkish to explain:
ASHER - AS+ER = AS Turks ; ER =man
ASHER = ASKER (soldier) (a work about the word "Asker")

Józef Sulimowicz (1913-1973) a Polish Karaite (Karaim), Turkologist.
(that means, a Turkish (Japhetic, Togarmah) Jew, not Jewish (Semitic) Jew!)
Department of Turkish Studies and Peoples of İnner Asia

Kipchak Turks - Gravestone in Kars/Turkey

The word "TORAH" comes from Turkish TORA=TÖRE , 
means in English "law". 
So, the origin and the etymology of the Old Testament "Torah" is Turkish and not Jewish!... 
Some politicians, religious men who wants the power in their hands and scholars with political issues worked hard to hide the rich Turkish History and Langauge from the world!.. 

KARAİM TURKS who also spoke and wrote TURKİSH, but accepted Jewish Religion.. have been assimilated over time, but that doesn't erase the fact, their origin. 

*"Bitig" - Bitik (Book in Turkish)
*"Cykmahyny ekinci jily" - Çıkmasının ikinci yılı (Turkish)
Came out second year
*"Dertinci Bitik" - Dördüncü Bitik (Turkish)
Fourth Book

 "Sandyrev ol uluska Adonai ki Tenri Tenrisi anyn." (Kipchak Turkish)
(Happy is the nation whose Lord - his God.) (Tehillim 144: 15)

TENRi (Tengri-Tanrı) = God

-Karaj sez-bitigi: Słownik karaimski. Karaimisches Wörterbuch
Aleksander Mardkowicz, Drukarnia Richtera, 1935 / link

-Karaite language belongs to the Turkic. 
Караїмська мова належить до тюркських./ link

"Harmony is without doubt one of the most basic features of the Turkic linguistic family. "

ber- < *ber- ‘to give’ [b/v= ver *SB]
bil- < *bil- ‘to know’
bolak < *bölek ‘herd’ [böl = split *SB]
butuń < *bütün ‘all’
dort < *dört ‘four’
emań < *emen ‘oak’
gerima < *gertme ‘pear’ [germek=strech out; *SB]
it < *it ‘dog’
juŕak < *jürek ‘heart’ [yürek *SB]
juv < *üv ‘house’ [ev *SB]
juź < *jüz ‘face; surface’
kel- < *kel- ‘to come’ [gel *SB]
kijov ‘son-in-law’
kok < *kök ‘sky; blue’ [gök *SB]
kolaga < *kölege ‘shadow’ [gölge *SB]
kop < *köp ‘much’
koŕk < *körk ‘beauty’ 
koź < *köz ‘eye’ [k/g göz *SB]
kuc < *küč ‘power’ [güç *SB]
küń < *kün ‘day’ [k/g gün *SB]
öbga < *öbge ‘ancestor’
öktam < *öktem ‘proud’
ökśuź < *öksüz ‘orphan’
örńak < *örnek ‘example’
öźań < *özen ‘creek’ [ozan=poet; özen=care; öz=self; oz=god *SB]
śeń < *sen ‘thou’ [you in English *SB]
śokkala- < *sökkele- ‘to reproach’
śoź < *söz ‘word’
śut < *süt ‘milk’
til < *til ‘language’ [dil *SB]
togul- < *tökül- ‘to spill’ [dökül *SB]
toŕa < *töre ‘law’ [the old testament name is Turkish tora=torah *SB]
tosak < *töšek ‘bed’ [döşek *SB]
tuvul < *tüvül ‘değil’[? değil means not*SB]
ücuń < *üčün ‘for’ [için *SB]
üń < *ün ‘sound’ [ün=fame in English *SB]
üśt < *üst ‘surface’[üst=top in English*SB]
üvŕat- < *üvret- ‘to learn; to teach’ [öğret *SB]

M.A., Chair of Central Asiatic and Siberian Languages, Jagiellonian University


Tarihte 7-11. yüzyıllar arasında Karadeniz, Kafkas Dağları ve İdil Nehri civarında yaşamış Hazar devletinin içindeki halklardan biri olan, günümüzde de Hazar devletinin bakiyesi kabul edilen Karaylar, Museviliğin Karai mezhebini kabul etmiş, Türk dilinin Kıpçak lehçelerinden birini konuşan bir Türk halkıdır. Bugün daha çok Litvanya’nın Vilnius, Troki (Trakay) ve Panevez; Polonya’nın Varşova; Ukrayna’nın Lutsk ve Haliç; Kırım’ın Simferepol şehirlerinde ve İstanbul’da yaşamaktadırlar. Karaylar arasında kendi ana dilini bilen ve konuşan sayısı çok azdır. Kendi ülkeleri, özerk bölgeleri ve resmî dilleri olmayan Karayların dilleri, dolayısıyla da kendileri bugün yok olma tehlikesiyle karşı karşıyadır. Günümüzde Türk Karayların yoğunlukta yaşadıkları yerler Litvanya, Polonya, Kırım ve İstanbul’dur. Karayca aslen Kırım bölgesinde şekillenmiş olmakla birlikte, farklı 3 bölgede nispeten farklılaşmış 3 ağza ayrılmıştır.

The Karais are one of the Turkic peoples that are accepted as the remnants of the Khazar State located among the Black Sea, the Caucasus and Idil River between the 7th and 11th centuries. They accepted the Karai sect of Judaism and speak Kipchak branch of Turkic. Today they mostly live in Vilnius, Troki (Trakai) and Panevez in Poland; in Lutsk and Khalich in Ukraine; Simferopol in Crimea; and in Istanbul in Turkey. The number of the Karais who know and speak their own language is quite few. The language of the Karais, who do not have their own country, nor an autonomous region and an official language, is in threat of extinction and so are they. Today, Lithuania, Poland, Crimea and Istanbul are the palces where the Karais live densely. They have 3 relatively differentiated dialects, mostly shaped in Crimea. 

Yrd. Doç. Dr. (Ass.Prof.)Selma GÜLSEVİN / PDF

* * * 

Harran Yahudilik açısından önemli bir bölgedir. Tevrat'a göre Hz.İbrahim Harran'a gitmiş ve bir müddet dayısı Laban'ın yanında kalmıştır. Bugünkü Harran'da Yahudi tarihine ait herhangi bir kalıntı bulunmamakla beraber Yahudiler açısından kutsallık taşımaktadır. Hz.İbrahim Yahudilerin atalarından sayıldığı için ve de "ayağınızın bastığı her yer sizin olacak" cümlesinin Tevrat'ta yazmasıyla, Harran'ın da Yahudilere vadedilen topraklar sınırına girdiği söylenmektedir. 
Tüm kavga bunun içindir!... Lakin Yahudilere vaadedilmiş toprak yoktur...

Harran is an important part of Judaism. According to the Torah, Abraham went to Harran and stayed with his uncle Laban for a while. in today's Harran, there is nothing that point out Jewsih history, but it is holy to the Jews. Because Abraham was counted among the ancestors of the Jews, and "every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you." is be written in the Torah, Semitic Jewish claim that Harran territory is the promised to them.
That's the reason of all the fights and wars on this lands!.. But there is no promised land.... 
(read: The Invention of the Land of Israel by Shlomo Sand)


By the way;
Kerkük (Kirkuk) and Musul (Mosul) are Turkish city-lands... Shall stay Turkish.
If you are going to establish a kurdistan (which they think but in reality it is 'Big israel'!), then I, as a Turk, claim all my ancestors lands in Europe, Balkans, Russia, Irak and İran as Turkish lands, want back Nagorno-Karabakh and Yerevan which belongs to Azerbaijan, and want independence of all autonomous Turkish states in Russia-Siberia, ... Look at the maps of Subarians (Suvar, Subartu), Aratta, Turrukku, Kimmerians-Scythians, Huns, Avars, Khazars, Pechenegs, 
Kipchaks-Kumans, Seljuks, Ottomans... 
and these are just some, not all of them!...
An other NWO-War Merchants Crime:
(their masters, Zionism-Theodor Herzl, also ordered to use six pointed star as a symbol of the "Jews"!) 
Demographic Genocide With Wars They Cause!...
Go play with your own country!...
Damn you all...