29 Ekim 2015 Perşembe


In Turkish we called as ÇEVGAN. Played by the Turks on horseback in Central Asia, it is a kind of war game. The game was played in a large area, divided into two teams of horsemen, a ball made of goat leather, with wooden sticks in their hands, throwing the ball to the opposite side for a goal.

Mahmud al Kashgari (11th c) , also mentioned in his work " Dīwānu l-Luġat al-Turk" (Compendium of the languages of the Turks) this game as, improve mobility of the person, for the purpose of to prepare for war.

Even the Turkish Woman played this game/education system of the military.

"Do the Englishmen know, what their favorite polo game (on horses and with sticks) was popular in Altai before the Great Movement of Peoples? They drove not a wooden ball, but a head of the enemy bound in a leather bag. Türks have not forgotten this game, as well as many other ancient games."

Murad Adji - Turcolog/Russia (link ro read)
and more about Kipchak Turks in his website

In 2103 "Polo" or "Çöğen" is in the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage UNESCO, by Azerbaijan Turks proven as 
Turkish national sport.

Section of mural depicting victory of general Zhang Yichao who expelled the Tibetan from Dunhuang. Cave 156,
Late Tang Dynasty.
You can see the knots on horse tails

Polo players at their game", detail on the west wall of a tomb pathway of Prince Zhang Huai's tomb, interred in 706 AD 
during the Tang Dynasty of China. 

Tang Dynsaty was Turkish of origin.

"The Turks went more to East then to West"

Prof.Dr.Ahmet Taşağıl.

The Art of the Mamluk Turks - 13th-14th c - Polo Players

One of the oficial names of the Mamluk Sultanate was "dawla al-turkiyya", ‘The State of the Turks’. 
In particular, one of the chief Mamluk historians, Rukn al-Din Baybars al-Mansuri (d. 1325), himself a former mamluk of Sultan al-Malik al-Mansur Qala’un (1279–1290), entitled one of his historical works Kitab al-tuhfa al-mulukiyya fi’l-dawla al-turkiyya, ‘The book of statecrat (lit—‘the royal git’) in the kingdom of the Turks’.
The Mamluk dictionary composed in 1245, thus in the time under discussion, described the language as al-lisan al-turki al-qijaqi (‘the Turkic Kıpçak language’)(See Houtsma 1894)

The diference between the terms ‘Turkmens’ and ‘Turks’ of the dawla al-turkiyya did not lie in their language or ethnic divisions, but in their habitat: whilst the name ‘Turks’ could have been applied to both the sedentary and nomadic population, the Turkmens, like the Bedouins, were almost always nomads. The Turkmens in the Mamluk sources could have been either Kıpçak or Oğuz, or a mixture of both; but if mentioned as a language Turkmen was undoubtedly Oğuz. The Turkmen language as such (including the language of Turkmen groups in Asia Minor, Syria and Iraq), formed only in the late thirteenth century (Charyiarov and Nazarov 1997).

The Other Europe in the Middle Ages Avars, Bulgars, Khazars, and Cumans
Edited by Florin Curta
with the assistance of Roman Kovalev

Seljuk Turks - 13th c

Eberhard’a göre “ (Liü Yüan 4, 32) Wei sülâlesi ortadan kalktıktan sonra da Çin'de Türk kanı karışmıştır. 
Su (580-618) hatta T'ang (618-907) sülâlesi kısmen Türk menşelidir.”


"Türkler Batı'dan çok Doğu'ya göçmüş ve Çinleşmiştir"
Prof.Dr. Ahmet Taşağıl

Anadolu ve Urmiye teorisi ile Taşağıl'ın söylediği yerini bulur. Bunu Ağasıoğlu'nun söyledikleri ile pekiştirelim:

"Türk dillerinde ileri sözünün “doğu” anlamı, doğuya giderken yaranmıştır. Renk bildiren Türk sözleri ise ilkin Atayurdun çevresinde denizlerin hangi tarafta bulunduğunu gösteriyor: 

Kara (kuzey), Kızıl (güney), Ak (batı), Gök (doğu). 

Türk Atayurdundan güneyde Herodot Fars körfezinin de Kızıl/Kırmızı adlandırıldığını yazıyor. 
Doğuda ise iki Gökgöl vardı ve Kaspinin bir adı da Gökdeniz idi. 

Göründüğü gibi, Ön Asya’nın denizleri de Türk Atayurdu’nun koordinatlarını sergiliyor."

Prof.Dr.Firudin Ağasıoğlu - link

The polo stick emblem of a polo-master in the Mamluk Turks
court flanks the dedicatory inscription on the south façade of the madrasa al-Almalikiyya from 1340.
North Portico of the Haram al-Sharif... link

Türklerin Uzakdoğu Siyasi ve Kültür Tarihine Etkileri

A. Türklerin Tang/T’ang Hanedanlığı Döneminde Çinliler Üzerindeki Siyasi ve Kültürel Etkileri

B. Türklerin Yuan Hanedanlığı Döneminde (1279-1368)Çinliler ve Koreliler Üzerindeki Siyasi ve Kültürel Etkileri

Prof. Dr. Alimcan İNAYET - link


Luster Dish with Polo Player, 1170-1200
Seljuk Turks 
Iran, Kashan

Cleveland Museum of Art.


"During the excavation of ancient tombs in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in the north of the country, archaeologists found three leather ball , whose age is estimated at 2.4 thousand -.. 2.8 thousand years, according to"  Uygur Turks link  or link