16 Temmuz 2014 Çarşamba


2600-year-old Issyk Inscription.
Two lines of Saka inscription that changed view on the history of the Türkic people

The oldest inscription in Türkic alphabet, the Issyk Inscription, written on a flat silver drinking cup, was found in 1970 in a royal tomb located within Balykchy ( Issyk), a town in Kyrgyzstan near Lake Issyk, and was dated by 5-th c. BC.

In the tomb was a body of a man dressed from head to toe in magnificent attire, the clothes, jacket, pants, socks, and boots all had a total of 4,800 attached pieces of pure gold, greatest ever found in a tomb except Pharaoh Tutankhamen. 

The top of the cone-shaped crown covering ears and neck carried golden arrows emblem. A sword on the belt right side and a knife on the left were in sheaths. Beautiful relief ornaments of animal art decorated shields, belt and front of the hat. Radiocarbon tests determined the age of the finds as belonging to the fifth century BC. 

What was the world in the 5-th century BC? 

We have archeological discoveries, where dating is almost always somewhat speculative, and reconstructions of the ancient Greek maps, and the views of the Mesopotamian and Chinese records. 

From the Mesopotamian, Chinese, and Greek texts, from the archeological discoveries of the kurgans, from the written monuments, we get a glimpse of the nomadic nations of the Central Asia in the 5-th c. BC. The various interpretations of the graphics and contents of the inscription witness the paucity of the finds and the potential for the studies.

The difficulties in interpreting the same spelling are not staggering, all researchers working with texts not broken into words encounter them, and the task is complicated by the absence of vowels even if the modern language is known and a scribe is perfect, the bsncfvwls can be parsed quite differently, in addition to the “absence of vowels”. 

On another hand, with the today's capabilities, we can generate a list of possible options in seconds, given that we know most of the consonants, and have appropriate dictionaries and algorithms. This is, of course, applicable to any text with partially known phonetics, like the phonetized record of the Hunnic phrase. We should welcome the fact that the discussion finally broke off from the closeted bounds to the public review on the Internet.

And at last, the contents of the inscription finally fall within the known Türkic ethnological tradition of raising a leader to a throne, be he styled Shanyu or Khan or whatever: the chalice deposited with the Prince and its inscription appear to be the ceremonial cup he used to swear his oath of office during coronation, before being raised on a felt carpet and carried prescribed number of times around the Assembly of representatives. The departed was given his chalice, along with all other travel necessities, for the arduous travel to the other world.

by Elshad Alili
Institution of Linguistics, Azerbaijan

Bilim dergisinde yayınlanan Issık (Esik) -İskit/Türk yazıtı 
ile ilgili Elşad Alili'nin makalesi 

ilgili diğer makalesi:
Similarity Between Turkish & Akkadian Based on Rules of Inflective & Agglutinative Languages   İngilizcesi  - Müəllif: Elşad Əlili, Osman Çataloluk, 29.09.2014
ayrıca sitem



Origin of the Türkic peoples
K.Laipanov, I.Miziev

"İmparator İskit dilinde (Gök-Türkçe) yazılmış mektubu bir tercüman aracılığıyla okuyunca, oldukça istekli bir biçimde elçiyi huzuruna kabul etti."

Gök-Türk Elçilerinin Justinos'a Gelmesi
Bizans Kaynaklarında Türkler (Menandros'un Fragmanları)

İsmail Mangaltepe


"All these linguistic findings combined with archaeological artifacts allow to confirm that Scythian had Turkic origin and modern Chuvashs are Scytians descendants." 

The Legacy of Scythians by Valentyn Stetsiuk
(Extract from "Research into Prehistoric Ethnogenetic Processes in East Europe", Book two)

The second part of the book deals with the ethnic paternity of Scythians.  In book one of the "Research into Prehistoric Ethnogenetic Processes in East Europe" we found out that a Turkish tribe of Bulgar was settled on the area westward from the river Dnepr since III mill. BC. Ukrainian archeologists found here some artifacts of the earlier Scythian culture, which have its roots in native cultures of this region. While no native roots of the Scythian culture can be found in other regions of Ukraine. Therefore, assumption can be advanced that Scythian culture belonged to old Bulgarians, whose descendants are modern Chuvashs.

Comparison of Scythian onomasticon  the list of proper names) with modern Chuvash lexicon was performed in order to check this hypothesis. Onomasticon list is available in the Ukrainian text below. Out of 199 words of Scytian onomasticon have 130 Chuvash parallels. Some examples are the following:

Scyth. Argaio (Argaio) - Chuv. a rkay "trout";
Scyth. Dokiwn (Dokion) - Chuv. ta k "pour"+ yun ‘blood";
Scyth. Zoulemhs (Dzoulemes) - Chuv. çüleveç "lynx";
Scyth. Zwrqtinhs (Dzortthtinnes) - Chuv. ça rttan "pike" (fish);
Scyth. Pasarou (Pasarou) - Chuv. pa sara "polecat";
Scyth. Saitafarnou (Saitfarnou) - Chuv. se te "add" + parne "present, gift";
Scyth. Satra-baths (Satra-bates) - Chuv. sa ta r "rub" + pa ta "porridge, gruel".

Topics and personages of Scythian mythology also can be explained with the means of Chuvash language.

For example, Scytian gods Papay and Api are correlated to Greek Zeus and Gea. Chuv. "papay "grandfather, old man"and epi "grandmother" ("old woman") sound very suitable here.

The explanation of Scythian legend about Targitaios and his three sons Lipoxais, Arpaxais, Kolaxais as well Scytian toponimy are given in the book.

All these linguistic findings combined with archaeological artifacts allow to confirm that Scythian had Turkic origin and modern Chuvashs are Scytians descendants.

Valentyn Stetsiuk
Ukraine  -in Russian language

"Welcome to Chuvashia my respectable brothers . 
This relatives visit makes us very happy.

Brothers, scientific research has clearly demonstrated , that the ancestors of Chuvash people is the Turks and they came here from Central Asia. Chuvash language takes place in Turkish language. The dialects which is distant to your language have common ancestors in language in fact. Oghuz who lived in the Altai shaped the Chuvash language.

In 1000 BC these tribes were divided. A number of Oghuz tribe, had relationschip with the Indo-European language, the letter "R" and "L" exchange in time. Over time this Oghuz tribes known as Ogur Turks.

Turkish dialects has been classified in both arms, "Z" letter into "R" and "Ş" letter into "L" . Based on this, the "Z" "Ş" dialect Eastern Turkish group, "R" "L" dialect Western Turkish group.

Our ancestors takes place in the second group, that's why become Oghuz into Ogur. Ogurs are the progenitors of the Huns.

When Mete Han establish the Hun Empire (Mete Han, the founder of Xiongnu Empire, ruled from 209 BC to 174 BC), his army was of the same root, but it consisted of people who speaks different dialect. Mete Han chose the language of Ogur, which is close to the present Chuvash Turkish, to unite the army.

The westward migration of the Huns in the 5th c.AD, moved our language with them. We taught the peoples in this region this language, but we have received from them words and grammatical editing also.

In summary, we Chuvash people speak our common ancestor, language of the Huns. Chuvash language is the only living language of Ogur language. Close relatives languages which is Hun, proto Bulgarian and the Caspian languages are dead now.

You asked me, where did our relation came from, here is my answer. The language I speak even if you don't undertand , you can feel the spirit. Because I carry your father, ancestors voice from yesterday to today. And if you say your language is changed, our relationship shall be broken.

When you look ethnically, as the Asian roots of the Chuvash communities, has also close blood ties to the Finno-Ugric roots. Great Bulgarian Khanate, established in the north of the Black Sea in the 7th century, and the Khanate of the Volga Bulgars, our ancestors did that.

European Huns, Bulgarian Turks community came out with a result of mixing of Ogur (Oghuz Turks) and Sabir (Sabar / Suvar Turks) . We established, the biggest pieces of these states in the steppes, we are the one of the constituent parts.

In the period of the Volga Bulgars Khanate, Sabir (Sabar/Suvar Turks) peoples and the people living around the city, during the Mongolian invasion, went to north and came here and they maintained their culture. We moved to the present day the legacy of our ancestors, despite all adversities and have appeared on the scene as the Chuvash.

Volga Bulgars State language was a great effect to the Slavs, Hungarians, Mari and Udmurtia language. What I'm telling you is, you can not do research today without knowing Chuvash Culture, because many culture have effect in Russia and Eastern Europe with the basis of the Chuvash history and their ancient culture "

Prof. Yegorov Nikolay Ivanovich 

"The ancestors of Chuvash are Suvar/Sabir/Sabar, the ancestors of the Bulgarian tribes Ogur (Oghuz). These two tribes origin is Central Asian Turkish roots.

Some scientists says , the ancestors of the Chuvash arrived in the 10th c BC in this region , while others says they were with the Hun Confederation. In this case, the arrival on the Kipchak steppes (Kipchaks are an other Turkish root, also called as Cumans or Polovtsy in Russia) of the Chuvashs ancestors is late 5th c AD.

The historian researches explanation of the origin of Chuvash peoples , they are more closely to the Finno-Ugric native peoples, but some says the Huns. There are different opinions about their ancient history,but there is no problem about their chronology. And it is been accepted in scientific circles, that the Chuvash peoples are Turkish root, and close relationship with proto Bulgarians.

And they say that the name Chuvash is estimated from Suvar."

"Kadim Azerbaycan arazilerinde, xüsusile, Urmu gölü havzasında Milattan Önce 3binler- 2binlerde yaşayan Arattalılar, Subarlar, Turukkular (Türkler), Lulu ve Gutiler hakkında az da olsa, Şumer (Sümer) ve Akkad dilli menbelerde malumatlar vardır."

Kadim Subar Türkleri - pdf
Prof.Dr.Firudin Ağasıoğlu  


"Sabarlar, 463-558 yılları arasında Karadeniz’in kuzeyinde ve Kafkaslar’da mühim rol oynayan bir Türk kavmidir. ... 
Bizans kaynaklarında Sabar, Sabeir, Saber, Sabir, Ermeni kaynaklarında Svar, Sbar, S(a)bir, İslam kaynaklarında Sebir şeklinde geçmektedir ."