25 Nisan 2014 Cuma


The Alphabet
an Account of the Origin and Development of Letters
by Isaac Taylor

...The transmission of the Aztec Hieroglyphs to the Mayas of yucatan, of the Egyprian Hieroglyphs to the Semites, and the thrice repeated transmission of the Semitic alphabet to Aryan nations - to the Greeks, to the Persians and to the Indians- are instances in point. 

Each of these transmissions was accompanied by important developments in the art of writing. But the action of this general law is perhaps best exhibited in the case of the repeated transmissions of the cuneiform writing.

It was invented by the Accadians, a Turanian people ; from them it was transmitted to the Semitic Assyrians and Babylonians; 39.......

The Alphabet
an Account of the Origin and Development of Letters
by Isaac Taylor

*REPRİNT İN 1991 !- link for BOOK

and old print to read:

Isaac Taylor, M.A., LL.D.
Origin and Development of Letters
London, Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., 1883 
VOL. 2, 1899



A non-Indo-European language like the Basques.

...Now it is utterly out o the question that the Etruscans can have been a colony of Negroes, or Hottentots or Sourth Sea Islanders or Mexicans or Peruvians or Red Indians. The portraits in their tombs to say nothing of geographical considerations are enough to dispose of any such hypothesis.

Putting aaside the languages of such impossible races, the languages of Europe and Asia divide themselves into three grand divisions:

I - The Aryan or Indo-Europeen languages, such as Sanskrit,Persian,Greek,Latin,German,Russian or Welsh.

II - The Semitic languages, such as Poenician, Hebrew, Arabic and Assyrian.

III - The Turanian languages, compirising the various Finnic, Turkic, Mongolic, Dravidic and Malayic dialects.

Thus the problem reduces itself to this simple question, In which of the three great families of speech - Aryan,Semitic or Turanian, are there any decades resembling this Etruscan decade ?
Are there any languages in which l-ch-l- or any equivalent root is used as a decadel suffix?

To this very definite question there is a very definite answer.

The Aryan and teh Semitic languages are at once put out of court. The claims of Hebrew, Arabic, Poenician, Coptic, Celtic, OScan, Umbrian, Latin, Greek, Gothic and Sclavonic all of which have been urge bu learned men in learned books, disappear before this simple test. In none of them do the decades end in l-k-l.

The Turanian languages are left. If they do not satisfy our test , The Etruscan language must as some have thought, stand apart, solitary and kinless among all the known languages of the earth ; a single shattered peak as it were, emerging out of the deluge which has overhelmed the linguistic world to which it formerly belonged.

Fortunately however our test is satisfied by the North Turanian, Altaic or Finno-Turkic family of speech , a class which includes the languages of the Lapps, Fİnns, Magyars, Turks, Tatars, mongols and Samoyedes.

...It may therefore be asserted not only that the Etruscan decades can be explained by the Altaic languages, but that every Altaic language from the Baltic to the Amoor, possesses either one or bot of the two Etruscan decadel suffixes which we find in such records of age as machs me a-lchl-sc or machs za-thrum-s.

So much for the Etruscan decades. They have given us what seems to be a key to the lost of the Etruscans. We have now to see if our key is THE KEY. Will it give consistent and probable interpretations of the six digits on the dice shich have so long baffled the efforts of philologers ?

The great difficulty in interpreting the words pn the dice is to obrain a starting point. This, fortunately, is supplied by the decades. We have seen that the Etruscan decade ZA-THRUM meant for-ty hence we gather that the first syllable ZA was equivalent to "four" in Etruscan. You are aware that the Accaidian, one of the cuneiform languages of Babylonia, presents us with the most ancient form of TURANİAN speech. Therefore, in endeavouring to interpret the nuemrals on the dice, we may begin by assuming that the word Sa means "four".

İsaac Taylor Etruscan Language



The origin of Semitic civilisation, chiefly upon philological evidence (1872)

Archibald Henry Sayce (1846 - 1933 )
 İngiliz Prof. Asuroloji , Oxford Üniversitesi

 "the Truth is coming" out...


________________THE TURKS_________________